"SH1T SH-" "What the FUCK!" You regain your footing. "What the fuck?? What is your deal???" A bus screeches to a halt, swerving violently, and she pulls you back out of the street. You yank your arm back. "1M SORRY" She seems embarrassed. Her face turns a bit blue. Now she's, upset? "L1ST3N 1 JUST GOT OFF 4 LONG SH1FT 4ND MY BR41N F33LS SQU1SHY 4ND 1 GOT EXC1T3D 4ND 4ND 1 C4NT S33 V3RY GOOD OK??" Her fists are tight. "geez ok, sorry too I guess..." It's quiet between the two of you for a moment, despite the roar of traffic continuing just a few steps away. You look down at your feet and put a hand on the back of your neck awkwardly, elbow dangling in front of you. Big exhale. She's grinding the toe of her shoe into the ground. "You said you knew a good place for a drink?" She perks up. "OH Y34H! TH1S W4Y" You notice her hand twitch toward you, then, on second thought, grasp tight at the air. She wipes it on her pants forcefully.